We must reclaim Pauline Christianity. Over the past generations law has time and again replaced grace. Most people do not realize that the Gospels are not as old as the Pauline epistles because in their Bible the gospels are first but in reality Paul's letters are first, even the gospels are not chronological, Mark predates Matthew yet Matthew is first. When Marcion first compiled what would be the first New Testament it was done more chronologically. You may ask why this matters. But I think it matters a great deal because you have to now see these later writings as somewhat reactionary to what Paul had already published. I am not saying dump the non Pauline texts i am saying let's get back to the true intent of grace based Christianity expounded by Paul and later doubled down on by Marcion. This is the reconstruction we need in Christianity not a return to some quasi imaginary messianic judaism with so called wanna be hebrew versions of Matthew etc but the authentic faith of the apostles.
Christian reconstruction