The Apostle Paul warned us about false brothers trying to force us into legalism.
This is a stern warning. The fact it is found in Galatians is even of more importance. You see Galatians is the oldest of Christian scripture, it predates the rest of Paul's letters and all of the Gospels.
To be sure Paul's writings are Scripture.
So too those that have not been considered Pauline by modern scholarship are also excluded by Marcion, which indicates this is not some new age thing but actually authentic.
What we have upon us here is a Christian renaissance. An awakening. A revival. This is why i am now only preaching from Marcion's canon, not merely because it is first but because it is consistent with the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, i am not necessarily preaching from the things purported to be believed by Marcion yet only known to us by his detractors rather i am going by the canon that he himself left us which i think speaks better for himself and is consistent with what the Apostle has given us. All through Galatians Paul is warning us, and this warning was not only contemporary to his time but also prophetic as the ideas and systems of legalism not only made their way into the later Canon but also in our modern times.
Christians must thus reject anything contradictory to the authentic letters of Paul to be in harmony with original ancient Christianity and should only hold as dogma those things clarified by the Apostle, or risk becoming false brothers. Which i believe was Marcion's intent all along.