How did God Jesus dwell with us? Let's read from the Epistles because the Epistles set the non negotiable precedent.
To be sure Paul never says Jesus was born but rather says he became. He does refer to others having been born.
So let's look at the texts themselves, We have already looked at Galatians 4:4 above. Romans 1:3 doesn't say Jesus was born of or descended or even seed, it says He Became. (Strong's 1096).
Romans 8:3 actually verifies that Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh, (Strong's 3667) which means resemblance i.e. "appears as" which is not the same as fullness.
Philippians 2:7 doesn't say He was born or that he had human nature but rather He took the outward appearance of a slave becoming a human resemblance! (Strong's 3444, 1096, and 3667)
Even more evidence is found in Colossians 1:15 because here Paul uses eikon (Strong's 1504) to explain Jesus as the image and likeness of God, as actually God! He doesn't use any of the other terms applied earlier because earlier Jesus only appears in human likeness He isn't human per se.
We also see eikon (Strong's 1504) in Romans 1:23 where Paul warns us not to be like the pagans who worship men as gods! Not only again showing that Christ is not fully human like us otherwise we would be in err to worship Him, this also illustrates the literal meaning of eikon to mean actually a literal image and not merely likeness. The churches that emphasize the humanity of Christ do so by mingling truth and falsehood to distract you from Christ's Deity and His Divine will and nature!