While Jews for Jesus are indeed Christian since they reject rabbinic authority and accept that the church is the new Israel the messianic movement is not so lets say Christian kosher infact i think messianic Jews should be accepted as Jews by the Jewish community and i say that as someone who was directly involved with messianic judaism for years. When you first join it all seems like acceptable Christian practice. However the more you delve into it the more Talmudic it becomes. This may have been acceptable if the purpose of rabbinic Judaism was to serve God alone, like Islam for the most part intends, but the fact of the matter is that rabbinical Judaism is not more ancient than Christianity in fact it was created as a reaction to Christianity, as proof you'll see that the Talmud was penned much later than the New Testament. This means that as a reactionary religion its purpose is to cast doubt on the need for Christ more so then serving God alone. Herein lies the issue with messianic Judaism, as proof that messianic Judaism is compromised merely look at its 2 house theology, contrary to the New Testament that there is neither greek nor Jew for we are one on Christ Jesus the messy- antics promote an ideology which is not Christian. What seem as great practices in the end are meant to diminish the work of Christ in whom all is being fulfilled.
Messianic or messy-antic