What is our mission? We often declare we are Christian but what does it mean? For the ALC our mission as Christians and Protestants is trifold. First our mission is to fulfill and encourage the Law of Christ as taught by the Apostle Paul in Gal 6:2 i.e. to bear other's burdens, as the hymn says "they will know we are Christian by our Love." Secondly our mission is to hasten the Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ which is why we declare in unison "we pray for your earliest advent! Earliest advent! Jesus Christ! And lastly we are called to teach the gospel truth of the one divine will and nature of Jesus Christ the Word of God with God who is God. https://albany1845.wixsite.com/adventlearningcenter/post/the-only-protestants-with-this-truth
Please join us today as we continue to grow from 3 people to now many.