Christianity has always been infected by twistianity i.e. those who twist the truth of salvation by faith alone, Paul exposed this in our earliest manuscript Galatians. However today I have found that is still the case. The natzarim watchman is a popular commentator that I have noticed is really promoting the false doctrines of sacred names and hebroots, that being legalism to the letter, literally. This is a prime example of the dangers of the legalism found in the old and new testament that contradict the truth of salvation by faith alone. This is really a major reason to emphasize Paul's letters, which are the Commandments of God fulfilled in the Law of Christ. I am not taking this danger lightly, it is a major cause of distracting us from our need of a Savior, and also a major cause of both mental and spiritual illness infecting Christians today. When the truth of Christ is read the veil is lifted. It's time to step away from the veil and not let the light of God Jesus be blocked by such a thing, yet rather to shine through.
