(From Rabbinical Pastor Ruben B Yehuda)
There was a time before i was a Christian where i was hostile to the gospel. I pushed ideas that Jesus was merely a metaphor for Israel among others. One night i was working in a hotel and my co-worker was asking me really innocent and simple questions. The one that got me was "If you don't believe in Jesus what do you call God" this simple and subtle question changed my life as i struggled to answer "we call Him Hashem and Adonai" which was rebutted by "but those aren't personal" so then i said "Jehovah" but i knew in my heart we Jews didn't use that name. A few nights later i was at synagogue and the Rabbi gave a sermon on the many names of God and i thought why not Jesus. Soon after, the next Shabbat i was attending a Messianic synagogue which i joined and moved up the ranks. Later becoming a full Christian not saved by the Law but by grace. All from a simple and innocent question. Baruch Hashem.