Our Apostle Paul has given us clear instructions regarding all matters of the Spirit. For to be in the Spirit is to proclaim Jesus is...
Our Apostle Paul has given us clear instructions regarding all matters of the Spirit. For to be in the Spirit is to proclaim Jesus is...
We affirm the testimony of the Apostle Paul revealed to us by his authentic Epistles, that Jesus Christ is God Almighty who has only...
"Jesus is God Almighty, He and the Father are one. For if Christ is anything less, than to worship Him would be idolatry - Rev Mark...
We are saved by grace through faith. Thus we are not saved by baptism rather baptism is a work which indicates our allegiance to Christ,...
Does Christ atone only for believers or for all mankind? Is He universal like Adam? For all men are condemned through Adam. Let's see...
Paul always preaches a clear Gospel message true and to the point, he says that Peter was leading believers astray with legalism and...
Paul was written to the nations preaching salvation by faith. James was written to his own people preaching a works based faith, a...
The only place the Mark of the beast is found is in the book of revelation. If this was truth why was it never mentioned earlier....
There are no so called Hebrew Gospels! If there's a so called Rebbe Shaul instead of the Apostle Paul and all these supposed Hebrew...
I have been getting a lot of heat from brothers who are still stuck in the 5th century and reluctant to accept modern scholarship...
The Apostle Paul was clear, you cannot preach both grace and law! Despite the efforts over 2 millennia of usurpers to try and distract us...
The Apostle Paul warned us about false brothers trying to force us into legalism. This is a stern warning. The fact it is found in...
What is the real first gospel? Here is a scholarly overview.
Of all the movements to come around I think the most absolutely destructive is the sacred name and hebroots movements (including...
The Pauline Principle is the idea that our Christian faith should be consistent with the faith preached in Paul's letters, whether we are...
We must reclaim Pauline Christianity. Over the past generations law has time and again replaced grace. Most people do not realize that...
None of Marcion's own writings exist, this matters for 2 reasons. 1) it means the things we know about Marcion come mostly from people...
Today let's take some time to breathe easy, take a deep breath and just relax. Imagine if all of your sins were revealed, imagine the...
I've always said Jesus is Jehovah. But as I studied I realized that Jehovah is nowhere to be found in the N.T. infact Jehovah is not even...
The same power of God that raised Christ is within you. Use the force young jedi.